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Industry News

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Labour overturns the 9 year ban on onshore wind farms

July 15th 2024

Chancellor Rachel Reeves announced that Labour had overturned the ban on onshore wind in England, as they want to unlock the potential of wind power, which will be a key contributor if we are to achieve clean power by 2030.

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Starting a community group in your area

Starting a community energy group in your area

June 25th 2024

A fantastic article by Connie, our Community Renewables Manager, providing you with the road map of how to set up your very own community energy group.

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Surplus energy across Spain

Too much green energy?

June 18th 2024

Wind and solar power are booming across Spain, with the capacity absolutely skyrocketing. But can their grid handle the surplus of energy?

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Community energy barriers to growth

Government calls for evidence on barriers to community energy

June 13th 2024

The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero (DESNZ) is calling for community energy groups to identify any barriers to community energy, from project establishment to regional issues.

Make sure to have your say!

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Life cycle of sustainable products

How affordable are clean energy technologies?

June 12th 2024

When looking at the affordability of clean energy technologies, you have to take into consideration more than just the upfront cost. When considering the long-term running costs of clean technologies, they become the more affordable option.

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IEA 50

Investment in renewables set to double fossil fuels

June 6th 2024

Since COP 26 we called for more investment in renewables, which is what we've got! It's uplifting to see the financial investment in clean energy. After hearing the news earlier in the week that we could miss out on the targets from COP 28, wins like this should be celebrated!

It's fantastic to see solar projects leading the way in the green revolution

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West Mill solar farm

Falling short of COP 28 Target

June 4th 2024

One of the main targets of COP 28 was to triple renewable energy by 2030, which was identified as vital in minimising the effects of climate change.

Although there have been noticeable shifts by governments across the world to increase renewable energy production, it looks like we may fall short of this target.

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