Driving positive change with LCH
Low Carbon Hub
The Low Carbon Hub develops community-owned renewable energy installations across Oxfordshire that not only produce clean energy but accelerates the transition to a zero-carbon energy system.

Project overview
Energy/power type
Solar PVThe Low Carbon Hub is a social enterprise that’s out to prove we can meet our energy needs in a way that’s good for people and good for the planet.
We develop community-owned renewable energy installations across Oxfordshire that not only produce clean energy but accelerates the transition to the zero-carbon energy system we need for the future, providing electricity, heat and a clean transport system, all powered by renewables.
One of our biggest projects is the largest community-owned ground mount solar park in the UK, Ray Valley Solar. It was connected to the National Grid in July 2022 and since then it has generated 19.5 GWh of clean green electricity every year, enough to power over 6,000 homes. Not only has it made the area more sustainable, but it also keeps £2.6 million worth of energy spend in the local economy each year.
About the project
We install and manage community-owned renewable energy generation projects alongside businesses, schools, and communities all over Oxfordshire.
With solar being the most abundant renewable resource in Oxfordshire, the majority of our projects are of this type. We also operate Sandford Hydro, the largest community-owned hydroelectric scheme on the River Thames.
We support communities with energy efficiency projects, reducing the energy demand of our homes and businesses. We also work with project partners on Innovation Pilots that move community energy forward and help accelerate the transition to the zero-carbon energy system we need to tackle climate change.
Community benefits
We work with schools, businesses and community groups to install solar pv on rooftops across Oxfordshire.
We develop the project, raising the finance through community share offers so the projects are community-owned. The host organisation buys the green electricity produced at a discounted rate, saving money on their energy bills as well as cutting their carbon emissions.
Any surplus energy is sold to the national grid. 100% of the profit generated by our installations is reinvested back into the community via our Community Benefit Fund, which we use to provide grants and support to communities and organisations throughout Oxfordshire to fund further carbon-cutting activity.
Our (mainly local) investor members also benefit, receiving a fair return on their investments.