Powering Communities Fund – August 2021 Winners

Younity is delighted to announce the winners of the Powering Communities Fund most recent round of distributions.
What is the Powering Communities Fund?
The Powering Communities Fund has been created by Younity with the aim to support community energy groups to either start or enhance their community energy projects. The fund is exclusive to Younity’s PPA partners and Your Co-op Energy’s community energy affiliate partners and over the last two years Younity has paid out over £20,000 to support nine different community energy projects.
Introducing the August 2021 winners
Congratulations to Repowering, Tamar Energy Community and Ynni Ogwen Cyf, the recipients of the August 2021 grants. They have summarised what they will use the significance of the grants and purpose of their projects below.
Group: Repowering
“We’re delighted to receive this grant from Younity’s Powering Communities Fund, that will allow us to deliver our ReCreate educational workshop for primary school children in London. The grant shows that renewable energy can create positive social outcomes for our communities, as well as reducing our joint carbon footprint.” Dave Fuller, Programme Manager at Repowering.
Group: Tamar Energy Community
“One of our greatest challenges at Tamar Energy Community (TEC) is our ability to engage with the younger generation and support them in their aspirations for a net zero world. We look forward to this funding for our ‘Young Solar Connections and Conversations’ initiative helping us to address this challenge” Kate Royston, Director at Tamar Energy
Community. Group: Ynni Ogwen Cyf
“We are extremely proud to have been considered eligible for this award from Younity and are pleased to say that this will be used to help realise our commitment to renewable energy and sustainability within our community. Specifically, the award will allow us to expand our existing community solar scheme by including PV panels, combined with battery storage, on one of the old Victorian era school buildings in the town, which we are developing into a sustainability centre. This centre will include business units, bunkhouses as well as the location for the local food bank. EV charge points are to be provided to address the need for sustainable tourism, to include an electric shuttle bus to connect with the National Park nearby." Gareth Cemlyn Jones, Chairman of Ynni Ogwen Cyf.
How is the fund created? For every domestic customer that signs up to Your Co-op Energy’s Community Power tariff, Younity and Your Co-op Energy will donate £20 to go into the fund.
What is the Community Power tariff?
The Community Power tariff is the UK's only tariff powered by 100% community generated electricity. The tariff has been made possible by Younity purchasing electricity from community owned renewable sites (PPA’s), in which Younity pay a fair price to community generators for their energy and will offer PPAs to any community owned site regardless of their size, giving greater market access. For more information on the Powering Communities Fund and to view our previous winners please click here.