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Adopting an Intergenerational Approach in Community Energy

Younity blog | Aug 2023

Group of people in front of solar panels

We’re big fans of intergenerational approaches at Younity - to truly harness community energy’s potential, we need to mobilise all ages:

Younger audiences that spark energy, fresh perspectives and succession alongside those who offer invaluable knowledge and who laid the movement's foundations

 However, a balanced blend of ages means tapping into the value of young minds.


So, how can community energy groups engage and integrate young people? There are many ways! Here are a few actionable ideas:

  1. Recruit a board director, under the age of 30
  2. Channel the profits made from renewable generation into upskilling and education
  3. Invite youth groups to your events, board meetings and AGM's - to participate and provide new perspectives
  4. Meet them where they are - attend a youth climate group’s open day

 Good news is many groups are doing this already! So, if you're part of a group and need some inspiration or are a young person yourself, check out the wonderful case studies below.


Burnham and Weston Energy - Hosted the first Community Energy Youth Summit

  • In April 2023, BWE joined forces with Weston College to host the first ever youth summit in community energy!
  • The day involved talks, workshops and networking with a variety of community-led organisations
  • They engaged 150 students aged 16+

Find out more here.

Burnham and Weston Youth Summit


Westmill Sustainable Energy Trust - School education

  • Intrinsic to their mission, WESET are dedicated towards educating young people on energy (how it works, it's importance and how communities can hold the power)
  • They activate this through school visits, wind/solar site tours and educational packs for teachers and parents

Find out more here.


Westmill - people and solar


Energy Garden - AQA Accredited Youth Training Programme

  • The profits from energy generated on the roof of London's train stations are invested into giving 18-24 year olds an AQA accredited, London-living wage training programme
  • This covers learning about local business models, making solar panels, horticulture, energy efficiency and much more!

Find out more here.

Energy Garden


Youth EmPowered - a dedicated youth community energy group

  • Set out to empower young people to become directors in community energy, 70% of their directors are under 30
  • As a new group, they are evolving into a safe space for young people in the movement alongside owning renewable generation and investing the profits back into the community

Find out more here.

People holding placards in front of solar


So, from learning about community energy at primary school - to becoming a director of a group, young people have a clear place in community energy!